Two Creative Agenda pages?

Started by Moreno R., July 18, 2012, 02:24:44 AM

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Moreno R.

First, there was a Creative agenda page...
Then, the Creative Agenda page...

It's not possible to make the wiki indifferent to the difference between upper/lower case, to avoid these duplications? (not before turning these two pages in a single page, though)

Ron Edwards

It's possible. Larry knows how!

Obviously the content of that page is important, so let me know what you think about it.

Best, Ron


Yeah, I had meant to bring this up. Figure out which of those articles is the "right" one, and get all the content in there. I'll set the former article to point to the right place.

Moreno R.

I just made a big dump of all the content of the "Creative_agenda" page into the "plain talk" section of the "Creative_Agenda" page.  We should figure out later how to reduce the length of the combined page, but for the moment should be ok.

We should decide a procedure to follow for the composite terms: the words after the first one should have the upper case initial or not? for example, "Conflict resolution" or "Conflict Resolution"?

Ron Edwards


My take is that Creative Agenda has both words capitalized, and so does Conflict Resolution. I don't necessarily think all the compound terms should be all capitalized, especially for "in" or "the," but we can start with that as the default.

One concern I have is that on the Key concept pages especially, they shouldn't be full of argumentation and complications, especially historical ones. We can always add subpages like "historical debates about Creative Agenda" if necessary. For the page itself, I do think the concepts are quite simple in their refined forms and can be stated quite clearly. That's what I'd like to shoot for on this page especially.

Best, Ron