Gaming as Serious Business

Started by RangerEd, October 24, 2013, 06:19:23 PM

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Going through some old files today, I ran across this article on wargaming as having a long history as an important tool for military training, education, and research. I would enjoy reading your (or other's) reaction to the game model the article presents.

It is a bit weak on examples of wargame play, but I think the article assumes a certain level of experience in wargaming for its target audience (it was published in the Naval War College Review). The article was my first taste of game theory and it was helpful to me as I worked my own customized gaming solution earlier this year.

I thought you might find it interesting to see another way to model gaming through venue, game control, kinesthetic cues, social interaction, and dramaturgical effects culminating in l'entre deux. I found some crossover with TBM. The differences between the article and TBM jump out to me as well, although my reactions are tacit and I'm at a loss to explain them coherently. 

If the article and the proposed discussion is old hat, my apologies. I realize this forum has a lot of history.


P.S.: I would like to nominate BOGSAT (Bunch of Guys Sitting around the Table) for the acronym and abbreviation file.

Jay Dugger

Thank you for posting this link.