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YukiCon! (Sunday, July 3rd)

Started by Ben Lehman, June 27, 2005, 07:19:59 AM

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Ben Lehman

Hello everyone.

Andy Kitkowski and I are putting on YukiCon at Andy's house (which I happen to co-habit) this upcoming Sunday, July 3rd.  YukiCon will start at 10-11, and run until the last of us has collapsed from exhaustion.

Anticipated Questions:

Who will be there?  Andy and I will be there, obviously.  Emily Care Boss should also be there, and maybe could be persuaded into bringing her latest draft of Breaking the Ice for play purposes.  Any other Raleigh / Durham area Forge folks with a free Sunday, I hope.

What will we play?  Anything and everything, with a particular focus on indie games and games that we are working on.  Speaking just for myself I am perfectly willing to play some Polaris or Bliss Stage, and can also run some PTA, Dogs in the Vineyard, Riddle of Steel, and more.  I would love to get in a BW game.  I'm hoping to get Andy to at least give a demonstration of Tenra Bansho.  If you are interested in running something, either a 2-4 hour scenario or just a 10-20 minute "game tasting," PM Andy or myself with details.  

(There may also be lots of random gaming-related chatter.  I'm totally happy to talk about your design with you, for one.)

What we will eat?  Food.

Will people be able to stay the night?  Well, the "con" is only one day long, but I'm sure that crash space could be arranged if it was required, particularly for our out of town guests.

Doesn't this conflict with AdamCon?  I think that we can stand to have conflicting housecons that are 400 miles away from each other.

How do I get there?  PM Andy for directions.

RTP area folks:  I hope to see you there!

Everyone else: We will raise a glass in your honor.


Andy Kitkowski

BTW, for those local to the triangle:  I live in Cary, NC, right between Chapel Hill and Raleigh.  About 8 minutes off of I-40. About 15 minutes away from Southpointe Mall.  

PM me if you think you can come!

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Eric Provost

Um... Yeah....

Totally bad timing guys!

Lisa and I would love to attend, but we're going to be in Columbus for Origins that day.

Poo.  Poo, I say.  I really would love to get together with other Triangle-Forgites for some gaming.


Jason Morningstar

I'll be there!

All that stuff you mentioned sounds great, Ben - I looked over both Polaris and Breaking the Ice in anticipation, and I'd love to actually *play* Dogs.  If there is time and interest, I'd like to try out my current project, Open Boat.  


Adam Dray

Quote from: Ben LehmanDoesn't this conflict with AdamCon? I think that we can stand to have conflicting housecons that are 400 miles away from each other.

Oh my god. Is this a serious concern for people? Yeah, I think it's safe.  Besides, we're both conflicting with Origins. ;)

But if Baltimore, MD, isn't too far a drive for you (anyone), join us at AdamCon. I have about 20 people coming at this point.
Adam Dray /
Verge -- cyberpunk role-playing on the brink
FoundryMUSH - indie chat and play at 7777

Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: AdamDrayBut if Baltimore, MD, isn't too far a drive for you (anyone), join us at AdamCon. I have about 20 people coming at this point.

Make sure you playtest VERGE.

Or I will have to beat you.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Adam Dray

Oh, definitely. I just posted a new PDF on the web site. I'll be playtesting the new version Friday night for sure, and probably at least one other time this weekend. I'm psyched.

Two of my players from the first playtest are coming in for it. One from New Jersey. It should be great.
Adam Dray /
Verge -- cyberpunk role-playing on the brink
FoundryMUSH - indie chat and play at 7777


Just noting that I, too, will be there. See ya'll Sunday!
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

Jason Morningstar

YukiCon was awesome!  5 games in 12 hours!  And Yuki!  

the hospitality, Andy and Ben.  Next year I'll definitely pre-register so I can get into the really cool events.


Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: jasonmYukiCon was awesome!  5 games in 12 hours!  And Yuki!  

the hospitality, Andy and Ben.  Next year I'll definitely pre-register so I can get into the really cool events.


It was a total success IMO (save that there just isn't enough hours in a day).  I'd love to see some Actual Plays and the like later.  In a bit, I'll be taking the pictures and organizing a thread about Home Conventions.
The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.