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Artwork needed, "Designer"

Started by S.Lonergan, September 04, 2002, 12:07:24 PM

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Continuing the ongoing trend of asking for art for free, unfortunatly I cant offer you anything more than a credit, as the game is free, and im not going to sell it in anyway.... BUT, you do get the ENORMOUS satisfaction of helping little old me out (:

What I need done, in B&W

- A normal looking rat
- A huge bloated looking rat
- A wild dog
- A crow
- A giant alligator that lives in the sewers
- A feral cat
- A pidgeon
- A giant leech

also, if you read the game so far, and let your imagination run wild, I'd appreciate anything... really.....

the game is available from .....


- Seamus


what sort of deadline are you looking for?

i'm no expert, but i dabble in digital artwork.  here's an image of a rat emerging from sewage -- it's a top-down view: -- is this something that you could use?  let me know.  i'd like to contribute.

-- rafael
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium


The deadline is non existent.. thats an awsome picture..... can I use that...? I'd be so ever thankful if you helped me out... you'd get credit of course.. but thats pretty much all I can offer..... no money.... australian beer??? not sure if theyd let me ship beer....

But yeah...... If I can use it then I'd be reallly thankful....

and anything else anyone can do...

THANKYOU ALL.... well erm... rafael anyway (:

- Seamus


Man if you actually CAN ship beer count me in.

I'm not joking either. If ya can send me some down under suds I'll do a bunch of the critters for ya :)



I'll see about it, Where are you at? Now its off to the postoffice website to find out if I can :p

- Seamus


Chicago Illinois here. Did you check out me stuff?



Yep, I sure did, And it would be awsome to have artwork that good in the game.... I still gotta find the postoffice site and find out how much it will cost to send it over....
If I can, how much do you want, A bottle, A can? A 6 pack?
A 6 pack is probably the most I could ship... and do you have any preferences???