renaming The Rustbelt?

Started by David Berg, October 29, 2008, 12:13:49 AM

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What about The Rust? Just Rust sounds more like a soap opera than something corrupt and vile. I've had the problem with too many wild-west influences since that's the only piece of american mythology our group shares. I always try put in some Fallout or Gamma World stuff as well as rockabilly stuff (after reading that Steven King series I fiercly believe Chtuluesque stuff and rockabilly goes better together than ever Lovecraft's now) but since it isn't shared by the whole group it doesn't catch on as well as the wild-west stuff.


Marshall, every thing you need to know about the real region of the Rust Belt you can get from Billy Joel's "Allen Town".

To summarize:  The heyday of the steel industry where hardworking hard drinking men could make seriously good money with barely a highschool education at their pick of sweet union manufacturing jobs stretching from central Pennsylvania through Ohio and into Michigan.  Then...the Industrial Age ended with the recessions of the 70s and early 80s, the mills and factories closed down and when American recovered in the mid to late 80s you had lots of hard working men lacking the qualifications to find a good job in the new Service Age and those industrial era manufacturing boom towns all went bust leaving empty mills and factories slowly rusting away.

That's it.  No big amount of research required.  Like Lance, I initially thought your game was actually intentially a metaphor for exactly that and really like the fact it was called Rust Belt.  Rust is just as good as a name, but I had no problem with Rust Belt.  And if people start talking and squabbling over it...good...

Marshall Burns

Quote from: Valamir on November 18, 2008, 06:20:29 PM
And if people start talking and squabbling over it...good...

That really makes me want to keep the name.  And not say anything in the text regarding whether that's what it's supposed to be or not. 

That, and the fact that everytime I talk about the game, I refer to it as "The Rustbelt" without blinking, totally forgetting for that moment about the idea of a name-change.

Lance D. Allen

Yes! Stick with it!

Score one for irrationally sticking to your guns, against all comers!

...I'm quite pleased to hear that you're considering keeping the name.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

Marshall Burns

Quote from: Wolfen on November 19, 2008, 05:04:50 PM
Score one for irrationally sticking to your guns, against all comers!

That makes me want to keep the name even more.  Because irrationally sticking to your guns against all comers is such a damned Rustbelt thing to do.

Lance D. Allen

QuoteBecause irrationally sticking to your guns against all comers is such a damned Rustbelt thing to do.


Dude, seriously though. Ralph said what I meant, only better. I went through a similar naming crisis with a couple of my projects, and eventually stuck with what I'd originally chosen. My third project will probably hit even worse barriers of assumption that you're worrying about. I mean, seriously.. Who, seeing the title "Rats in the Walls" isn't going to assume that it's a game about Lovecraftian horrors, unless like me at the time, they've never read the story? Rest assured that the chances of any disenfranchised people who wanted to play a game about how hard it is to be laid off from the steel mill being disappointed by your game are pretty slim. I mean, you *can* play such a story, and it would totally fit in The Rustbelt. know... Nevermind. Such speculation is for another thread, or better yet, when I've got the game in front of me and players interested in playing.

Think of your lack of Rustbelt lore as being like one of those times that the players assume your big mysterious plot is actually something much cooler than it is. When a player comes to you and tells you this awesome story about steel-workers fighting their way through the rustbelt and giving in to addiction and doing unconscionable things, you can say "Yes, that's exactly what I had planned for this game all along" and you won't even be lying.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls

Ron Edwards

For whatever it's worth, Ralph and Lance are convincing me. It's not a democracy or consensus-issue, but especially if some little bit of text were in there that started the Rust in that region ... geez, that actually puts a shiver up my spine.

Best, Ron

David Berg

I dig that too.  Even just a hint of the story behind how the name has changed in meaning over time could be cool.  "Old folks say 'the Rust Belt' used to mean X, and some claim that even before that it meant Y..."
here's my blog, discussing Delve, my game in development

Marshall Burns

Yeah, all right, I ain't changin' it.

I *am* gonna have to write a new "Overture," from the ground up, but that's been long overdue for, like, years.