(IAWA) Different Versions?

Started by jessecoombs, November 05, 2009, 10:22:51 PM

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I just ordered and received a new copy of In a Wicked Age to replace the one I lost. I noticed that this one doesn't have some rules about ending the story and some other bits of extra text that my last copy had. The one I used to have had the date listed as 2008 on the inside cover and the one I just received is 2007, identical to the pdf. Is there a way to get the 2008 version?


I got your email, Vincent. Thanks!


The import of this thread finally sank in. Is there a PDF with this 2008 text on game-ending and such? Mine has the 2007 date.


Unqualified Offerings - Looking Sideways at Your World
20' x 20' Room - Because Roleplaying Games Are Interesting


Hilariously, I thought there was such a PDF. I thought I'd replaced the one online with it oh, a year ago.

I haven't had time, with the migration, to sort it out.

Oh wait, here's something easy I can do:
QuoteEnding the game
For a full game, play at least 6-10 chapters. One session is fun, but the real game doesn?t even kick in until the third chapter.
Consider ending the game when:
*No one from the first chapter or two appears on the owe list at all;
*A character or a few characters have emerged as the game's clear protagonists, and their stories are all done; or
*You've played out fully the situation you introduced in the first chapter, to all its various ends.
Meanwhile, play and enjoy.
QuoteBetter particular strengths
When you add 1 signifiicance to a particular strength, simply choose one:
*Now it's potent, where it wasn't before; its die is a d10 instead of a d8.
*Now it's doubly potent, where before it was potent; its die is a d12.
*Now it's broad, where it wasn't before; name another form.
*Now it's consequential, where it wasn't before; name a form.
*Now it's unique, where it wasn't before; say how it became so.
*Now it's far-reaching, where it wasn't before; say how it became so.
The maximum significance for any particular strength is 4, please.
By default, when you increase the significance of a particular strength, you increase it for your own character only. There are exceptions, however, cases where it's obvious that increasing it for one character should increase it for all. "The dog-spirit guards my life," for instance (and thanks to Ryan Stoughton for the example), where it's clear that as the dog-spirit's power grows, its guardianship will be better for everyone whom it guards.
In all such cases, adapt the rules to the internal logic of the particular strength.



Ah hah! That's easy then.


Unqualified Offerings - Looking Sideways at Your World
20' x 20' Room - Because Roleplaying Games Are Interesting