[Ronnies 2011] April round begins

Started by Ron Edwards, April 01, 2011, 01:54:48 PM

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Ron Edwards

Wheeee! I must be cuckoo starting this on a Friday, with practically no internet access until Monday. But so long as you all know that, that's OK by me.

Well, let's do a quick review of the rules.

1. Design - Write a role-playing game in the space of 24 hours, using two of the four terms I provide as central concepts. I am fully aware that these will be first draft alpha documents and will be judging them at that level. Please keep in mind that including all the working parts is more important than airbrushing in all the little details.

2. Entry - Email your game draft to me, ron@adept-press.com, as a PDF attachment. Also, submit the same file to the 24-Hour RPG site. I will provide running announcements of the entries, so please don't announce your entry here.

This round will remain open for either two weeks, or 24 hours later than the appearance of the ninth entry. If the latter happens, then I'll announce that appearance here in this thread to start the 24-hours-left clock.

3. Criteria - You get a Ronny if your game is (i) really a role-playing game according to my vague but not unusual standards for the term; (ii) uses the two terms as central and productive concepts, i.e., "what the game is about" including any associated concepts they might provoke; and (iii) is both fun-looking enough and clearly-presented enough for immediate playtesting.

Visual layout and general file-prettiness are not criteria for the award, although I and everyone else enjoy a little attention toward those ends, if you want.

4. Award - If you win a Ronny, you get $50 from me and whatever mentoring or ongoing feedback you might like from me. I provide at least one round of feedback for all entries and I try to playtest all the winners and some of the others which strike my fancy. Although I'm still not caught up with that, I am doing it pretty regularly.

See also New Ronnies, Ronnies 2011, Round One begins, and [RONNIES 2011] February round begins for any other useful details. 

And now! The words for this, the third round of this year, are!

amazon lust chains queen

I urge everyone to remember that a given Ronnies term is open to interpretation in practically any understandable fashion. I think that point applies especially significantly for this round.

Oh, and also, a key reminder: by choosing two of the terms, you are automatically excluding the other two from your concepts for the game.

Keep watching this thread to see when the nine-entry deadline kicks in.

Best, Ron


I want to use all four terms.  Curses, Ron, curses.

Ron Edwards

Heh, you should have seen the first version of this set. It was a game screaming to be made. I actually dispersed the range considerably by arriving at the final set.

When this entry period is over, I'll disclose the sequence of possible sets of four terms that I went through to end up with this one.

Best, Ron

Ron Edwards

First in:

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman

Best, Ron

Ben Lehman

I had a lot of fun writing my game. I hope it shows.

Devon Oratz

April fools joke?

Missed opportunity for an april fools joke?

April fools joke was here but I missed it?

Quoteamazon lust chains queen

Black Snake Moan: the RPG is what I immediately thought, and I haven't even seen the film.
~"Quiet desperation, it ain't my goddamn scene!"~
My Blog: tarotAmerican

Ron Edwards

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu, who I hope survived his less-than-24-hours-from-"go" design crunch

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman

amazon chains
Brick & Mortar, by Dan Maruschak

queen lust
Queens of Time and Space, by Ross Cowman

edited to fix misspelled name - RE


My first thought for all four terms was: "Slaves of the Amazon Sex Queen!"

Ben Lehman

I wonder what the usage ratio between amazon (dotcom) amazon (female warrior culture) and amazon (rainforest) is going to be? It's actually a pretty diverse term.



Any chance you can send me a copy of "Her Son". I haven't received it through 1km1kt. I will get it posted as quick as.

Ron Edwards

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman
In Exile, by Jacob Bouvier

amazon chains
Brick and Mortar, by Dan Maruschak

queen lust
Queens of Time and Space, by Ross Cowman

amazon lust
Camwhores, by Elizabeth Sampat

lust chains
The Strongest Link, by Paul Vogt

edited to fix misspelled name - RE


I made a failed attempt last Saturday. I missed the 24-hour deadline, and I could not elide over the rules I had yet to write - they were of the essence. The keywords I used were amazon and queen, and the game title is Amazon Realms.



any chance of getting all these up on 1km1t? :D


Oh, i'm fine, thank you for your concern though. Sometimes i get a little... overzealous.

Totally fine. Forgot about those monkeys, i just now have sent the packet of information entitled "Her Son" over to them for their consideration and so on. Feel free to ask them for a copy.

Also, incidentally, it's Ross Cowman, not Russ.
sure of ourselves, aren't we?