Freedom Nexus

Started by JobieKenobi, April 09, 2012, 09:13:19 AM

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Hi there, I represent a small team of people who are hard at work at an RPG system that we believe is RPG gold, you can build the character you want to play with no constraints, and the game is intended to be easily managed by game masters. We are players before designers, and we hope that we have made a game you want to play!

Oh and its going to be 100% free and supported with expansion modules after release.
If you are interested, please visit our website and forum, and spread the word.

While I don't have a document yet, information can be found in that link, and I would be more the happy to discuss things here, We just got the site up yesterday and I happened to come across the forge on google and it seemed like perfect timing. I go by Jobie, i'm the lead designer and community manager of Freedom Nexus. And I speak for my whole team when I say that we only want as many people to enjoy freedom nexus as possible.

And to do that feedback is very important, so I am indeed quite happy that I stumbled across this place!

Ron Edwards

Hi Jobie,

Welcome! I appreciate the enthusiasm and also your attention to the required external link. It's OK that it's still in development.

What I'd really like to see is a specific discussion topic that you're willing to lead, in this thread. Announcements aren't quite enough for a Forge thread to shine.

Best, Ron


Fair enough, discussion is what I was hoping for. Essentially we are trying to do daily blog updates slowly providing more and more information up to release. We are also trying to piece together a resource fro a public play test in the coming weeks.

We are a small team and need all the feedback we can get. At the moment we have two blog posts up detailing the core character creation system, and showing and explaining a bit of the character sheet. Here is what I would currently like to discuss.

1: Some feed back on those two blog posts, good or bad

2: Some people are against classless systems and for good reason, what benefits do you think a class system has over Freedom Nexus? And if you are a fan of classless systems, what would it take to get you interested in our free form system, what would Freedom Nexus need to accomplish?