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Latest Profiling

Started by Nick the Nevermet, May 14, 2002, 02:06:36 AM

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Nick the Nevermet

Just stumbled on this, so...

Most recent: Fading Suns (If a PBEM counts), Exalted, Changeling, Dark Sun setting for D&D2E

Most enjoyed: ...This one is difficult.  I'll say Fading Suns,   Changeling, Ars Magica (even though it died after 1 session... it was a FUN session)

Most interested in playing Next: The Riddle of Steel, Nobilis, Underworld

I'm one of the unlucky people who has had chronic problems finding a gaming group.  As a result, roughly 90% of the games I've been able to get into have been D&D of one form or another, or the occasional Shadowrun.  Sometimes, these were fun, other times, it was killing things for a Saturday.  Either way, i've unfortunately always been around gamers who had the attitude of "why don't you just want to play D&D?  Its an RPG, and we all know it, and it works fine."

There are many games I have had a (for lack of a better word) half-assed experience with.  These include Unknown Armies, Feng Shui, and Pendragon, to name a few.


STARWARS D6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I refuse to date a girl who would rather play Baldur's Gate than be with me... wait, that didn't come out right".


Last played: Warp & Weft (friend's pbem), When Giants Walked the Earth (own homebrew), Barony

Most enjoyed: D&D (original three book version), En Garde, World of Gor (friend's home brew, after the John Norman novels)

Wanna try: The Pool, Risus, Dark Portals




The name is Robert Mosley, go by Rob Muadib online.
(Stilgar:You must choose the name of manhood which we will call you openly.
Paul:What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon?
Stilgar:We call that one, Mua'dib.
Paul:Can I be called Mua'dib.
Stilgar:You Are Paul Mua'dib.
What can I say, I am a big Dune Fan (love the Lynch movie too:) )

Last 3 Games Played:
D&D 3rd
WeltalMyria (Proto-type version of The Million Worlds)
TimeLords (via IRC)

Favorite 3 Games/Sessions:
Advanced Marvel Super-Heroes
AD&D 2nd

3 Games I want to play.
All Flesh Must Be Eaten (after watching lots of Fulci Zombie Movies)
Immortal (With another system and setting tweaks)

[Edited down to be concise]
Rob Muadib --  Kwisatz Haderach Of Wild Muse Games --   
"But How Can This Be? For He Is the Kwisatz Haderach!" --Alyia - Dune (The Movie - 1980)

Henry Fitch

Well, I've been putting off posting here, but I guess I might as well. As I've alluded to on another thread or two, I'm essentially a bookshelf gamer. I know, I know, it's a lousy thing to be. This summer, I swear. Anyway, here's the only category I'm really qualified to fill out.

Most Want To Try: Nobilis, Sorcerer & Sword, The Riddle of Steel
formerly known as Winged Coyote


I've been looking for an opportunity to post here!

Last three played: Rolemaster, CoC, GURPS VtM (unclean!)

Favorite three: Shadowrun, CoC, AD&D 2nd ed Ravenloft

Top three to try: Theatrix, Riddle of Steel, 7th Sea

Now, if only I can get a group together...

-Dave Shemenski
Never attribute to malice that which may be readily ascribed to stupidity

Jack Spencer Jr

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
D&D3e, Version of Warhammer that was more a Mordhiem RPG than WFRP, Villians & Viginantes. Also a brief stint of De Profundis which died quickly.

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?
V&V, ... that's it, really. I guess that's why I'm trying to make my own game.

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?
I'd like to give De Profundis a better shot and to play my own game. I don't have a third for that.

And, yes, that's my real name.


Last three games played:
Fading Suns (using Everway system)
Tribe 8 (using D6 system - big mistake)
Big Eyes, Small Mouth 2nd ed (using homebrew fantasy/mecha setting)

Three Favorite Games:
OTE (system, which I've used for many settings, not straight OTE setting)
Tekumel (my first RPG was Empire of the Petal Throne)

Games I'd like to play:
Sorcerer and Sword (if my copy ever makes it to Maine, Ron! :)
Buck Rogers Cliffhangers (the long dead TSR one base dont he 30's comic)

My real name is strangely enough John Marron, and I'm an archeologist from Florida currently stranded in chilly Maine.

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Seems like the profiling got started again on its own. Which is cool, but I decided to split the most recent ones into a new thread (the last one ended mainly in January, one or two additions in April).

For those of you who are wondering what "profiling" is, it goes like this.

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?

No commentary is necessary - just list the game titles.

And one final point - if you have no objection, it'd be nice to know people's real first names if you don't use it already. There's absolutely no obligation to do so, but if it's OK with you, just sign your profile with it.


Jake Norwood

What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?
The Riddle of Steel, Pendragon, L5R

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?
The Riddle of Steel, AD&D2E (played for 10 could I not enjoy it?), Star Wars d6

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try?
Sorcerer (esp. Sorcerer and Sword), Wiedzmin (a Polish game based on some of my favorite books of all time), and CoC (probably the old Chaosium version)

I'm also dying to play somekindof Starwars game, but I can't bring myself to go d20 on it (I just can't do levels...if the book was cheaper I might get it to read and try to convince myself, though). I might go d6, but Riddle it some...or maybe design my own Star Wars game (if only I had the time).

And my name is Jacob, and I'm a Linguist.
"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant

Bob McNamee

What are the last three games I played?
In order from most recent...
My Tarot-based RPG, D&D 2ed, Gamma World (about 8 yrs back)

What are the three games I've enjoyed most?
Champions, D&D (various versions) , Traveller (first edition)

What are the three games I'd most like to play?
Inspectres (own it, can't wait to run it), the POOL (might try to run my Supers game with it), the World, the Flesh, the Devil (another possibility for my Supers game).

I'm a Tinsmith at a steel mill... and looking for a non-wargame Superhero roleplaying game with rules that at least drift toward directors stance etc.

Bob McNamee
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!

Jared A. Sorensen

I never really answered this thing yet...hmmm.

What are the last three games I played?
InSpectres, Unknown Armies, Deadlands: Hell on Earth

What are the three games I've enjoyed most?
Vampire: the Masquerade (freeform LARP), Unknown Armies...and, ahhh...shit. I dunno. I enjoyed running InSpectres I guess.

What are the three games I'd most like to play?
Donjon Krawl, Sorcerer (any variant), any superhero game with Josh Neff or Paul Czege (or both!)

I play Dungeons & Dragons for a living. Well, kinda...I test software at Infogrames in Massachusetts and am currently on Neverwinter Nights.
jared a. sorensen /


Hello.  My name is Melodie H. and I'm a gamer.  

Last 3 games:  D&D 3E, Sorcerer, and Call of Cthulhu.  

The 3 most enjoyed games:  Call of Cthulhu, Star Trek (Last Unicorn Games), and one particular Rifts game where I was a bad ass demon honey.  

The 3 games I want to try:  Amber, 7th Seas, and Dune (Again, LUG.  The one where they all sold at Gencon and now go on Ebay for about a million dollars.  I waited patiently for 2 1/2 years for that game..feh)

Clinton R. Nixon

I decided to re-reply, as my answers changed.

Last three played: Story Engine, InSpectres (newest version), The Riddle of Steel

Most enjoyed: The Riddle of Steel, D&D3E, InSpectres

Most want to try:: Hero Wars, Trollbabe, Matt Machell's Lost Gods

My name really is Clinton R. Nixon, too.

Clinton R. Nixon web administrator
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

Quick clarifier: folks, "profiling" isn't interested in your job. Just the name, in addition to the three game-oriented answers.

My current answers are ...

Last three played
Sin (a game created by a member of the campus group), Dust Devils, Sorcerer

Most enjoyed
Sorcerer (specifically Demon Cops), Hero Wars, Violence Future

Wanna play now
Le Mon Mouri, The Riddle of Steel, Starchildren
