Tunnels & Trolls advice

Started by Peter Nordstrand, October 15, 2008, 06:05:25 PM

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Ron Edwards

I should clarify that by "make it your own," I'm referring to specific designated tweaks in the rules, and also regarding what to stock the dungeon with, and what the dungeon is about. I'm not talking about house-rules at all.

Best, Ron


The thing is, analyzing what rule set is best is very antithetical to what T&T is about. The designer never plays the game as designed, he goes with the spirit of the rules. Peter have a set (whatever freaking edition), he can distill the rules from there. Ron wrote wonderfully who you actually play T&T. What more could be needed?
Andreas Davour


substitute "who" for "how". English is not my first language and those tend to blend.
Andreas Davour

Peter Nordstrand


Thank you all for your involvement. I really do appreciate it.

I am reading all of your replies carefully, and I intend to post about preparations and actual play. And yes, I fully intend to play, which is why I appreciate all the practical help I'm getting here. I am not asking questions just to chat about the game, or to dream about playing. I am interested in the rules only insofar as they are instructions for procedures of actual play. Promise! Nevertheless I do believe that Ron's finishing sentence is good advice. However, repeating that very same sentence to me again and again, without waiting for my response, is a bit obnoxious (in a well meaning and friendly way, no doubt).

I do have some more substantial follow up questions fo you, but I wanted to get this off my chest first.

Again, thank you for your kind help.
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Ron Edwards

Why don't I back that up with a moderator post. With full appreciation for everyone's commitment and good intentions, I'll say now that we should all stop posting for a bit and let Peter pick up the topic in his own way before resuming.

Best, Ron

Peter Nordstrand


I am prepping a dungeon, and we are about to have a character generation session on Tuesday, so we are on our way. I'll post about my dungeon building attempts in a separate thread, I think. I've found all of your advice very helpful and inspiring.

I bought a copy of the fifthy edition on ebay. It hasn't arrived yet, but I am considering using it, which leads to a specific question.

Quote from: Ron EdwardsI may be your primary reference for preferring the 5.0 rules. I don't mind admitting that this is partly historical - I did buy them in 1979, after all, and my great love dates from that time (and a crush on Liz Danforth, sight unseen, that remains to this day). But although I also think my preference is substantive, not merely historical/personal, that shouldn't stop you from using whatever you've got.

Would you care to elaborate a little bit regarding the substantive part of your preference, Ron? Of course, anybody else is free to chime in as well, about the concrete procedures of actual play.
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law

Ron Edwards

Peter, I think you're spinning your wheels needlessly. You'll have some edition in front of you to use, and that's fine. All of this attention to that issue seems to me to be a waste of time. I'd rather talk about my preferences or thoughts on the different editions after you've played the game (any version).

Best, Ron

Peter Nordstrand


A question: Can I safely ignore Talents?

An observattion: T&T does not seem to care much for "game balance". Some starting player characters are most likely to become a lot more powerful than others, and some kindred/races seem to pack a lot more punch than others.

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


A question: Can I safely ignore Talents?


That said, I find Talents to be one of my favorite thing added in the 7.x rules.  They provide a simple differentiator between characters.  Then again, I don't implement Talents exactly by the rules given in 7.x ;)

An observation: T&T does not seem to care much for "game balance". Some starting player characters are most likely to become a lot more powerful than others, and some kindred/races seem to pack a lot more punch than others.

Yes, quite true.

Peter Nordstrand

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law