Question About Liches From Sorcerer & Sword

Started by jburneko, May 06, 2009, 07:47:26 PM

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I was looking at the How To Become An Undead section of Sorcerer & Sword.  So the way I understand it is that you effectively become a demon.  But when you run the math presented there, you don't end up with numbers in accordance with the normal demon creation rules.

The really big question is: Can the Sorcerer who becomes a Lich still do Sorcery?  The core book is pretty clear that demons can't.  Is Lichdom an exception?

If it's not an exception I'm not sure what Lichdom buys you other than not-dying.  Is the Lich supposed to get Abilities in accordance with it's Lore score?  Or perhaps via the Token used to keep it alive?


Ron Edwards

Hi Jesse,

I'll look over that text again, but as I remember, the answers (or assumptions on my part) were:

- no more sorcery
- however, control of the Token is vastly significant and in many ways may look like sorcerous rituals
- demon abilities corresponding to your Lore score

Best, Ron



One other subtle point.  Demons don't become unbound when their masters die.  Does that carry over into Lichdom?  I may not be able to do new sorcery but any demons I had bound to me upon my "death" are still bound to me?


Ron Edwards



This is pretty scary stuff.  I like it.


Marshall Burns

Oh, cool, that's good. 'Cause I was about to start an argument about Xaltotun, who is totally a lich and totally has at least two demons that we get to see in action.



Watching the thread a while... a dumb question pops up to mind (maybe it has already been answered, sorry!)
If a Lich is effectively a demon, can the Lich be summoned, bound, etc.?

D' Ax

Ron Edwards


I have never played this effect, regarding a player-character lich, so it remains an interesting door offered by the rules that one day may be opened.

Best, Ron


For what it's worth, the reason I was originally asking these questions is because I had a Lich in the game I just played.  She was one of the PC's great-grand mother.  I treated her as an Imminent as per Sorcerer & Sword, so no Summoning or Banishing.

However, the PC handled it was that she went and gathered her friends and family together (some of whom are also Sorcerers).  Together they crafted a coffin, dug a grave, carved a headstone, and gathered a bouquet of flowers and the PC used all of this as a Contain.  It was packing about 13 dice.  This all culminated in a struggle on the edge of the grave and in the end the Lich was knocked into it and sealed up nice and tight.



Oooo. Jesse, you have just given me a terrible, terrible idea...
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio