[unnamed] indie RPG in development

Started by Zireael, January 19, 2012, 12:45:21 PM

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Quote from: tonyakerman on February 06, 2012, 11:48:03 PM
QuoteSpell resistance was removed completely.

Should agree to revive them back right?

I don't understand the question. Spell resistance as a numerical value is gone. Creatures which are spell-resistant will simply have bonuses to saving throws regarding spells.


Locational damage and tracking action points is "simpler" but somehow critical hits and random damage dice are "too complex"? Honestly sounds like you're removing some of the funnest, core elements.
Author of the Dinosaur Cowboys skirmish game.


Quote from: bosky on February 16, 2012, 09:12:56 PM
Locational damage and tracking action points is "simpler" but somehow critical hits and random damage dice are "too complex"? Honestly sounds like you're removing some of the funnest, core elements.

Location damage was made optional.

Action points are simpler than standard/move/free/swift/etc. system of D&D. Especially for newbies. Note that I only translated the actions to APs, I didn't reinvent them.


1) HP renamed to Stamina Points. 1/2 and other fractions changed to be the full number of advantages.
2) Compulsory training introduced.
3) Trying to decide which dice are the best.


Money system added.

Any ideas what I could add/improve? I repeat, Google Translate allows you to read the system as it is now.

I'm thinking of tweaking the way attributes work.
1) maybe one attribute governs defense and the other attack - a bit like in Legend
2) maybe give a choice of the attribute from two (Str vs. Con; Int vs. Wis; Dex vs. Cha) - a bit like 4e

I want every attribute to be useful in a way.

I'll have to work on describing each of the class in flavor terms.

Today, I added starvation/thirst and suffocation rules.
I'm thinking of adding the aristocrat class at last and the templates (half-fiend, half-fey, vampire, etc. etc.).


Aging rules added.

I'll work on the aristocrat tomorrow.


Aristocrat and adept classes added. The messenger of the gods' advancement path added. Vampire template added.

Here you can find the complete development history of this indie.


Alignment traits added. Flaws added. A drug named 'mad desire' added. Planetouched templates added.


Lots of stuff added, including reworked weapon proficiencies, descendant of the gods template, and mundane items.


Encumbrance rules, expanded equipment lists, poisons and illnesses added... and something else.


Stamina points tweaked, all attributes now contribute to them.

Ron Edwards


I have to lay down a rule for you: stop posting updates of this kind, please. This is a discussion forum, not a development update blog. Please provide a topic for discussion and wait for replies. I'm very supportive of your design effort and would like to see it receive attention here, but update posting leads people to ignore your thread.

Best, Ron


@ up: Well, I tried, but there was little input in the beginning, so I decided to post updates also. Anyway, here are things I'm debating about:

Some things I need input on:
1) Split offense and defense and use different attributes for them?
2) Allow choosing an attribute for the offense/defense from pairs (Str vs. Con; Int vs. Wis; Dex vs. Cha)?
3) Merge XP and gp together like in OD&D?
4) Dodge and parry like in Conan RPG?

Thinking of expanding the attributes from 0-10 scale to 0-100 scale.
What is your take on that?


Also, I'm thinking of making skills (both combat and non-combat) also fit the 1-100 scale. The bonus to the d20 throw would be the number divided by 10. 2 points per 1000 XP spent.