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An Odd Character idea?

Started by Shenron, August 25, 2009, 12:29:11 PM

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Hey, soon I will be playing in my very first Dogs game and I am really excited. After bouncing around like hundreds of character ideas in my head I have come up with something unusual.

My biggest problem is I do not know how to represent it by the dice.

My character whos name is Zane Gallows got possessed by the demon he was trying to excorzise during his initiation (GM said he would work with this). Anywat the elder dogs tried to exorzise him as well but it did not work. Instead, the holy rituals gave Zane Control over his Demon ride a long.

I am confused where to put this as far as the dice goes. Do I add it into equipment? a trait?

What effects would it have? What could I use the dice for?

Anyway, thanks for your help in advance


Hey, welcome.

You can create a character with a demon in him, sure. But don't pre-play your character's initiation conflict like that. Demon, no demon, all fine, but give your character a real initiation conflict too.

Yes, you should just make it a trait - "I have a demon under my control" or something. Nobody can tell you in advance what effect it'll have, though, only that you'll get to roll the trait's dice when you bring the trait concretely into a raise or a see, same as any trait.

The game doesn't treat strong pre-planned character concepts with much respect. Don't invest too heavily in it, you'll just be frustrated when the game doesn't fulfill it for you. Take the trait if you want it and then go with the flow.



Haham I agree with you there.

I am trying to break away from my old habits. :)

I am just wondering though, what would I use the demon trait for?

I want to call it "Demonically Imbued"

I am thinking it could be used for deciphering unholy text (symbols, etc), intimidation (manifest some gnarly effects), maybe even combat?


Oh sure, any and all of those things.

You'll get to roll the trait's dice into a conflict whenever you bring that trait into play. So, like, you'll be in a social conflict and you'll say "I glare at the guy, and for a split second my eyes are a snake's eyes. I'm going to roll my 'demonically imbued' dice." Or you'll be in a fight and you'll say "I grab the guy and throw him across the room, and when he lands his shirt has my handprints scorched into it. I'm going to roll my 'demonically imbued' dice." Whenever you use it concretely like that, you get its dice.

There aren't any pre-set limits to when you can use a trait. The limit in play is a rule in the game called the "most critical player" rule, which only says that if you're reaching, you might have to rethink.
