Cross-referencing in InDesign

Started by Darcy Burgess, July 17, 2008, 10:16:34 PM

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Darcy Burgess


This is a very specific question.  I don't want advice about how to do this in other software packages.  I need help with Adobe InDesign specifically (FYI, I'm using CS2, but I imagine that the basic procedure is relatively standard across most versions).

I want to generate in-line page number references.  Things like:

"For additional terminology, see the Glossary (page 95)."

The catch is, I want the "95" (or whatever the page number happens to be) to update automatically if the Glossary gets moved to a new page.

Again, this isn't a formal index, nor is it a table of contents.  This is in-line page references.

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.


InDesign doesn't support it natively.  You have to buy a third-party plugin called InXref.  I use it religiously.

Darcy Burgess

Hey Fred,

Thanks for the info.  However, as the tides of the internet are wont to do, someone pointed out some other options over on Story-Games.

One of those options was a completely free plugin.

I just Cross-Referenced about 90+ citations.  It was a little clunky, but it worked.  I think it took about 2 hours.

For the sake of interest (and posterity), care to talk about why XRef rocks?  I'd be interested in your insight.

Black Cadillacs - Your soapbox about War.  Use it.


Oh, i don't claim it rocks. At least a few years ago, it was the only player in the game. Looks like that may have changed.