Concurrent contest - totally compatible

Started by Ron Edwards, December 24, 2010, 04:10:20 AM

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Ron Edwards


It turns out that Emily Care Boss' Solitaire RPG Challenge will be running concurrently with this round of the Ronnies. She and I agree that there's no earthly reason why a game couldn't be submitted to both contests if it fulfilled the requirements for both. We would not conspire in judging such a game; the two events would be treated fully separately in that regard. I won't be one of the challengers in that contest so there's no overlap in interest there. (I may be a contestant though.)

I think I speak for her as well as me that we both really dig each other's contest/activity and hope that together we'll only contribute to a bigger design-fest in total.

Best, Ron

Emily Care

I'm glad they work together so well: the Solitaire challenge is mostly about the kind of game it is (one-player) with challenges about the types of resources you'll use to play the game, or what kind of game it is overall--all the technical stuff that is left wide open in the Ronnies. And with the Ronnies you get word themes to work with--something completely not in the picture for the Solitaire games.

I posted a similar announcement over at the Solitaire site. Best of luck to all who take part!
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Black & Green Games

Frank Tarcikowski

So, is there a place at the Winter-Forge to post about my ideas for the Solitaire Challenge?

- Frank
BARBAREN! - The Ultimate Macho Role Playing Game - finally available in English

Ron Edwards

Hi Frank,

If you can point viewers to an external document, then the Game Development forum is the perfect place. Even a simple "ideas list so far" single page would be sufficient.

At the Solitaire RPG Challenge site, Emily encourages the participating authors to "design in public," so please consider yourself invited to set up such a document and use Game Development for threads about it.

Best, Ron

Emily Care


I second what Ron said.

Frank, creating a thread at the Forge Game Development board would be perfect. Post a link here or at the Black & Green forum and I will post a link to your discussion at the RPG Solitaire site as well. I don't think I can do an RSS feed for it, but there is a page with links to all games in open development there.

Congrats to all the Ronnies contestants! And good luck!

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Black & Green Games

Ron Edwards

So far, Lee Hammons' Facing the End is the only Solitaire Ronnies dual-function entry.

editing in update: two total - Joe J. Prince's Swords of the Skull-Takers is the other.

Best, Ron