[Ronnies 2011] April round begins

Started by Ron Edwards, April 01, 2011, 01:54:48 PM

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Weird, I totally sent you my entry. I'll resend.

Ron Edwards

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman
In Exile, by Jacob Bouvier
Queen of Thorns, by Eric Boyd

amazon chains
Brick and Mortar, by Dan Maruschak

queen lust
Queens of Time and Space, by Ross Cowman

amazon lust
Camwhores, by Elizabeth Sampat

lust chains
The Strongest Link, by Paul Vogt

Eight games so far - the next one will initiate the 24-hour final entry period.

Best, Ron

Ron Edwards


Shackled Self, by Raffaele Manzo, using lust and chains, makes the ninth entry.

So this is the twenty-four hour "go" signal, using the time signature of this post.

Best, Ron

Ross Cowman

Just read Camwhores. Amazing Elizabeth, just amazing.


Quote from: Ross Cowman on April 05, 2011, 09:27:21 PM
Just read Camwhores. Amazing Elizabeth, just amazing.

I want to play Nicotine Girls and Camwhores back to back.


Doug Law

I hadn't heard of this contest before and I was inspired by this month's word choices.

Using "lust" and "chains" I had intended to write an RPG about how our petty addictions get in the way of accomplishing our goals.

I set aside time to write it on Saturday, but then I decided to play board games with friends all day. I might have written it on Sunday, but Jonah Hex had been sitting on my shelf from Netflix for like a week. Monday I planned to get crackin', but spent most of my day surfing the internet. On Tuesday I just had to play some new Rock Band downloads...

Maybe I'll write that game about addictions for the next one, if the terms sync up.

But then again, my WoW druid still needs some gear...



Thanks for the love for Camwhores! I kept stopping while I was working on it and thinking, "I can't believe I am writing this." It was an interesting change of pace.

Ron Edwards

Twelve games:

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman
In Exile, by Jacob Bouvier
Queen of Thorns, by Eric Boyd
Beholden, by Baxil

amazon chains
Brick and Mortar, by Dan Maruschak

queen lust
Queens of Time and Space, by Ross Cowman

amazon lust
Camwhores, by Elizabeth Sampat

lust chains
The Strongest Link, by Paul Vogt
Shackled Self, by Raffu Manzo
Tales of Lust, by Andreas Eriksson
Within My Clutches, by David Berg

According to my time signature, there's about an hour and a half left for entries.

Best, Ron


Done, 9 mins left. Posting in case my connection dies while I try to send it!
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Ron Edwards

Which makes 13!

amazon queen
Her Son, by Jackson Tegu

queen chains
Homage to Ninshubar, by Ben Lehman
In Exile, by Jacob Bouvier
Queen of Thorns, by Eric Boyd
Beholden, by Baxil

amazon chains
Brick and Mortar, by Dan Maruschak

queen lust
Queens of Time and Space, by Ross Cowman

amazon lust
Camwhores, by Elizabeth Sampat

lust chains
The Strongest Link, by Paul Vogt
Shackled Self, by Raffu Manzo
Tales of Lust, by Andreas Eriksson
Within My Clutches, by David Berg
You Are My Destiny, by Guy Shalev

Annnnd, that closes the entries, pending any last-fraction-of-a-second arrivals.

Best, Ron


"Chains" clearly was an attention-getter this time.

You know what would be cool, sometime, is a "Ronnies retrospective" comp (or just game jam).  Take the top submission-getting term from each round so far.  Mash them together.  Pick three out of the six.

(( girlfriend fight dragon skull wings chains ))

Seriously, doesn't that just drip with potential?

Also, Doug, I know exactly what you mean.  The only reason I was able to enter this month is that I had bigger things to slack off from. "I need to do my taxes!" I said.  "And update Deathbird Black!  So instead I'm going to let myself get distracted by inspiration."  If it weren't for productive procrastination, I'd never get anything done.


I had a thought of "The Lust Amazon: More Pulp! More Porn! More Purple!" the only question was whether it was about a B-movie company making pulp porn films, or an actual pulp porn fantasy game...
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010

Ron Edwards

Hi everyone,

I am looking at a particularly difficult round of Ronnies to judge, and I think that I won't be posting my conclusions until Monday. Until then, though, please feel free to start threads to discuss the games as you will.

Best, Ron


It's interesting how much of the conversation on this thread is "I was going to make this game, but ..." Did this particular set of terms lend itself to a lot of ideas that were hard to execute in 24 hours, or were a lot of people simply busy this weekend?

My personal unfinished idea was Welfare Queens (using chains and queen), a cyberpunk game about white collar corporate executives who escape the burdens of their jobs by spending their weekends in a virtual reality world were they are poor women living on public assistance. (I wanted it to be a satire of the Randian tea party crowd and pull-yourself-up feel-bad-to-feel-good movies like Precious.)
terrible games about terrible people in terrible situations/
terrible games about terrible people in terrible situations