Tap-in Thread

Started by Jonathan Walton, April 04, 2012, 03:26:02 PM

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Mike Holmes

I think Dev may win the award for best tap in...


Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

el Mīko

I've been lurking here for years and I'm finally going to take the plunge


I've never successfully participated in a Game Chef. But, you know, giving the Forge a last hurrah...totally a worthy cause. :-)

I'm in.
Seth Ben-Ezra
Dark Omen Games
producing Legends of Alyria, Dirty Secrets, A Flower for Mara
coming soon: Showdown


Just wanted to thank everyone for giving me the chance to participate, but due to some RL problems involving my computer I prolly wont be able to actually submit my design.

Maybe better luck for me next year,


I totally respect RL stuff - sorry to hear it, Snake_Eyes.

That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.


Quote from: DevP on April 11, 2012, 03:15:17 PM
I totally respect RL stuff - sorry to hear it, Snake_Eyes.

That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.

Thanks so very much for your encouragement and support,

Tbh it is just my computer playing up really that is the big problem, and losing my portable hard drive.

So Ill try to write some more of the game while I am at a friends house, if I baby sit his dogs while he is in hospital I *might* have a chance of completing it, but Ill just put a note in the ideas dump that anyone can use the premise and whatever. I had some extra mechanisms, and some possible elements of story that I could not use personally because of time, and word limit constraints, so I would love for someone to give the game a whirl.

What will prolly happen is that I will finish the game at a later date, and just link to it on RPGnet, or similar site so that the forum members that expressed interest get a chance to at least see a final version, even if it means it is not eligble to be a contestant I think there are a few submissions (such as the judges) that are just doing this for some creative fun. Personally I just wanted to get some Cheffery happening so that I got an idea of working around that kind of restraint.

I did a solo challenge of the 24 hour RPG the other week, and I used the theme of 2011 Game Chef to write a game with unique dice mechanisms, and some background story. It was universally hated and despised on RPGnet. So I am sure that all of these kinds of challenges will help me grow as a writer and collaborator in the RP community.

I dont know how to use a camera-phone, though I guess I could write up the game and scan it from an internet cafe or library. So thanks very much for that suggestion DevP, it is a really good one!

Cheers for the advice and mentoring,
:) Snake_Eyes

el Mīko

Quote from: DevP on April 11, 2012, 03:15:17 PM
That said: analog handwriting + notebook + cameraphotos = most punk DIY rpg pdf ever.

that is a seriously badass idea!


Just learned about this competition today. I figure I'll give it a shot and see if I can come up with something decent.

Joel P. Shempert

SO in! With the ingredients this year, it's only a question of WHICH game idea to focus on!

Story by the Throat! Relentlessly pursuing story in roleplaying, art and life.


Quote from: Jonathan Walton on April 04, 2012, 03:26:02 PM
So back in the day we always had a "tap-in" thread for Game Chef, where prospective chefs declared their intention to participate.  Let's see how many folks are game this year!

I'm kinda involved by default, but I'm also hoping to find a couple days free from admin/judge work to write a game too. My game won't be eligible to win, but it would still be fun to participate in peer reviewing alongside everyone else, so I hope that works out.


I'm officially in again. I'll be posting some content soon.


Matteo Turini

jtc - Matteo Turini


A bit late but I've been doodling a game for a few days now and I'm in!
Gregor Vuga


Well, it's absolutely late... I knew right some minutes ago... but I'll try!!!



I totally didn't think I had the ambition to participate.

Now maybe I've changed my mind.
terrible games about terrible people in terrible situations/
terrible games about terrible people in terrible situations